Super parts

A Super part is a special manufacturer part regrouping several individual manufacturer parts. A Super part is not a real manufacturer part, and when you add it to the project, it does not really exist, only the individual manufacturer parts of the super part are added to the project.

Managing the Super parts into the catalogs

In the Manufacturer parts manager, two specific commands are available to create one or several Super parts.


Add manufacturer part > Add Super part: Allows you to create a specific manufacturer part named Super part.

Multiple insertion > Add Super part: Allows you to create several Super parts.


The dialog box of the Super part properties opens to enter its characteristics and to assign the individual manufacturer parts.

Super part properties

The properties dialog box has two tabs:

Properties: Allows you to select or to enter the characteristics of the Super part. The Properties tab of a Super part and of a manufacturer part are managed in the same way.

List of manufacturer parts added in the Super part: This tab allows you to define the individual manufacturer parts you want to group in the Super part. Click the Add button to access to the Manufacturer part selector to select the manufacturer parts you want to add. The Delete button allows you to delete the selected manufacturer parts. On the right side of the dialog box, two arrows allow you to organize the manufacturer parts order.


A Super part does not have circuit and terminals such as a manufacturer part and you cannot manage ERP data.

Assign a Super part to a component

To assign a Super part to a component uses the same process as to assign a manufacturer part. When you assign a Super parts to a component, all the individual manufacturer parts of the Super part are assigned to the component. It's similar to assign several manufacturer parts but in one time.

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