
Data archiving saves data to a specific file, letting you back up the system, transfer data between workstations, or pass it to another company.

Data archiving is available at several points in the software, depending on the type of data to be archived. Each archive function creates a specific file.

The data type of the archived file can be identified by its file extension.

Certain archive types contain design-dependent data. For example, a project archive includes symbols, title blocks, and configurations, while a macro archive may contain parts and symbols. Users can manage the integration of design-dependent data during the unarchiving process.

Archive environment

Occasionally it is necessary to retrieve all of the data managed by elecworks™. For example, when schemes (such as title blocks, symbols, reports and configurations) have been customized. The archive environment lets users save all of the data to a single file. This allows users to pass data that works with the same environment settings to subcontractors and others. Users can also archive environmental settings to retain data when switching from a client/server installation to a single computer. Environmental archiving also makes projects available in the projects manager.


Menu: File > Archive environment


A wizard appears. Archive options are displayed on the left side of the dialog box.


Custom: Customizes the elements to integrate in the archive. The Selection tab lets you select the data types to include in the archiving process. The other tabs let you manage each data type more accurately.

All projects: Includes only the projects that appear in the project manager and mandatory items, like Classification.

All objects: Includes all elements instead of selecting them individually.

Objects modified by user: Adds only the modified elements to the archive file.

Objects modified by user since: Includes only the elements modified between two dates.

Remind me to perform regular archive after this number of days: Reminds you to perform a regular archive.


After selecting options, click Finish to create the archive file.


The size of the archive file depends on the amount of data selected.


After activating the command, you are asked for a filename.

The file extension for environmental archives is .TEWZIP.

Archive project

Archiving a project backs up all of the documents and data within it, as well as items required for design work like symbols, title blocks, and settings. The project archive command is available form the projects manager.


projects manager: Archive


Select the project and click the Archive icon.


You must close a project before archiving it, except if it is only open in your workstation. If the project is open in an other workstation, it is locked.

During the project archiving, the project is locked for all other users.

If you have selected several projects, they are all included in one archive file.

You are asked for a filename. Project archive files have the file extension PROJ.TEWZIP. When a project is archived, it is kept in the projects manager.

Archive symbols

Archiving symbols creates an archive file containing all symbol data (graphic, circuits, connection points). The symbol archive is available in the symbols manager.


symbols manager: Archive


Select the symbols to include and click the Archive icon.

Symbol archive files have the file extension SYMB.TEWZIP.

Archive title blocks

Archiving title blocks creates an archive file containing all title block data (such as graphic and attribute settings). The command is available in the title blocks manager.


Title blocks manager: Archive


Select the title blocks to include and click the Archive icon.

Title block archive files have the file extension TITLE.TEWZIP.

Archive manufacturer parts

Manufacturer part archiving is mainly used to share/pass manufacturer parts between different workstations or companies. The archive command is available from the manufacturer parts manager.


Manufacturer parts: Archive


Select the manufacturer parts to include and click the Archive icon.

The manufacturer part archive file extension is PARTS.TEWZIP.

Archive cable references

Cable reference archiving is mainly used to share/pass references between different workstations or companies. The command is available from the cable references manager.


Cable references manager: Archive


Select the references to include and click the Archive icon.

The cable reference archive file extension is CABLE.TEWZIP.

Archive macros

The macro archive file includes all data used in macro design. The archive command is available in the macros manager.


Macros manager: Archive


Select the macros to include and click the Archive icon.

The macro archive file extension is MACRO.TEWZIP.

Archive configurations

Use this command to archive all configurations (except project configuration files and wire configuration files). Some archive configurations, such as terminals or automation configurations, may contain dependencies.


Configuration management: Archive


There is no distinction between different configurations (such as terminal blocks and project) during archiving. The file extension is the same regardless of type. As a result, you must note the name applied to the archive file, so you can identify its type later. You cannot unarchive configuration files using the incorrect manager. For example, you cannot unarchive a terminal configuration in the automation configuration manager.

The configuration archive file extension is CONFIG.TEWZIP.

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