Title block properties

Title blocks manager: New

Title blocks manager: Properties


Opens the properties dialog box to modify data associated with the title block.


If the title block already exists, the left side of the dialog box displays a preview of the edit mode (with attributes).

If you have selected several title blocks, only the common properties are displayed.


Name: Defines the title block name. This name must be unique.

Description: Defines a text description in all languages managed in the software. This is displayed under the miniature view. Description is available in all languages by clicking the specific icon. The language selector opens allowing you to select the languages you want.

Class: Defines the class where the title block is stored.

Unit system: Defines the title block mode. This choice is important. The title block and the scheme created in the drawing from this title block must use the same unit system. When you create a new symbol, elecworks™ uses the template file corresponding to the unit system you selected.

Library: Defines the library where the title block is stored.


This section is read-only. It displays information on creation or modification date and creator name.


With rows: Activates row management in the title block.

Mark of first row: Allows to mark the first row. The following rows are marked automatically.

First row position: Allows to enter the Y coordinate of the first row.

Height of row: Defines the row height. If the first row is on top of the title block and the last row is on the bottom, place the sign "-" before the value. All rows must have the same height.

Number of rows: Defines the number of rows in the title block.

Row numbering: When the title block has more than one column, select the mode to use.


With columns: Activates column management in the title block.

Mark of first column: Allows to mark the first column. The following columns are marked automatically.

First column position: Allows to enter the X coordinate of the first column.

Width of column: Defines the column width. All columns must have the same width.

Number of columns: Defines the number of columns in the title block.


Cross references offset: Defines the cross references thumbnail insertion height for Parent in table type symbols.

Scale: Defines scale factor assigned to the elements inserted in the drawing. This parameter is used for drawings in 2D layouts.

Related topics:


Add new title block

Edit title block graphics