CAD file downloader

To access the first time to the CAD file downloader, you must enter the login and password of your Electrical Content Portal (ECP) account.

The CAD file downloader dialog box displays 2D footprints or 3D parts downloaded from the manufacturer parts catalog.


Menu: Library > Manufacturer part manager > 2D footprints

Manufacturer parts manager: Contextual menu of manufacturer part > 2D footprints


In the manufacturer parts manager dialog box, select the manufacturer parts and click the command to start the download. When an existing file is already associated with the manufacturer part, you are asked if you want to overwrite it.


The downloaded 2D footprints are automatically stored in the 2D footprints manager in the same class as the manufacturer part.


Stop: Stops the download of the selected 2D footprint.

Retry: Restarts the 2D footprint download after stopping it.

Open: Opens the selected 2D footprint. This feature has three options. You can open a footprint in the graphical interface (click Open), in the preview window.

Delete: Deletes the selected 2D footprint.

Manufacturer part manager: Opens the manufacturer part manager dialog box.

Properties: Opens the properties of the selected 2D footprint.

Log out: Closes your ECP session.

Related topics:


2D footprints manager